
I turned 30 in Jan. my husband turned 39 in May. In Sept 2010 I was 23 weeks with my1st child my son Jack. labor couldn't be stopped so I went in to surgery for a cerclage to sew my cervix shut so that I would be able to remain pregnant longer the last thing that I heard was his heartbeat when I woke up they told me that my son had died that the sack had ruptured during surgery and they had to deliver him and he didn't make it devastating absolutely devastating and I was crazy for a few years after that two years after that I was diagnosed with lupus and they said that had probably played a big part in going into labor that my body had automatically tried to abort him because it did not recognize him as a baby or something that it needed to sustain so 13 I got pregnant she was 6 weeks early even though I haven't had a shot every week from week 15 on to help me sustain the pregnancy she was fine though no problems she had to stay in the hospital for a while and warming Lots because she weighed 4 lb and 12 oz and she couldn't eat enough calories in a day to keep her body temperature up other than that she was great on the other hand almost died from infection from my C-section was in the hospital for 2 weeks on IV medications and then had to have a home health nurse pack my incision for the next four months because I had to cut it back open childbirth experiences have been extremely traumatic nevertheless my heart aches for another addition to my family I have since gotten remarried my husband has two children that we have custody of I have my daughter that we have custody of and we want to have a talk together to tie our little family up in a nice package for the last three years we have been trying on and off with everything possible other than fertility drugs we tried to do it as natural as possible vitamins charting temperatures mucus but now I have an appointment in August to see a gyno cuz now that I've turned 30 I'm just getting even more nervous that I might not get another child I know that lupus complicates things so I was wondering if any of you ladies out there have lupus or experience with autoimmune disorders and pregnancy that could give me any tips or pointers on achieving success