Induced labour experiences please!

can some people please tell me their experiences of being induced and if you needed the epidural - was a suction device needed to assist with bringing baby out?

I've just been given alot to think about and am after personal experiences. I have been told by my OB that epidurals are more necessary for some woman as it's more painful being induced and that an epidural can sometimes cause you to br more exhausted or your muscles to relax and a suction device to be needed to help assist baby out - which I am terrified of!

Thankyou in advance!!

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I was induced with my 1st. didn't take the epidural, labor lasted about 22hrs. my sis in law had induction with her 3rd. start to finish was less than 12hrs and went smoothly. everybody works different


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I got induced 10 days early due to my daughter being small and my blood pressure was high towards the end. When I went in I was 1cm dilated. They gave me a vaginal suppository to start me out. They were going to give me another round 4hrs later but I was contracting on my own. I held off on the epidural until my contractions got too intense for me to handle. So about 5 1/2 hours after going in. I ended up not even needing the pitocin either which was great! Almost 3 1/2 hours after my epidural I had my daughter. I could still feel and move my legs when I got my epidural. I didn't need anything to help her come out either, I just pushed! 9 1/2 hours total from start to finish! And it was my first baby!Everyone is different though! Nobody is the same.


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I was induced with my first and they used pitocin, I didn't get an epidural and had my son in just over 5 hours. I was 4 1/2cm and 80% when I got induced and I couldn't feel any pain until after they broke my water at 5cm 2 1/2 hours after they started me on pitocin.


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You’ll read many different stories on here about inductions, pitocin and epidurals. You won’t know for sure how your body will react until you’re in the situation. I originally planned to not get any pain relief, but I was trying to stay open to it. My water broke with my first, I was 3cm, and they gave me pitocin shortly after my arrival at the hospital. For me, Pitocin was no joke and gave me back to back contractions, so I opted for an epidural. The epidural allowed me to finally get some rest, which was much needed after being up all night. When it was time to push, I pushed for 2.5 hours before my son was born. No devices were used. I had an episiotomy and a 2nd degree tear. I originally blamed the time spent pushing on myself (for the epidural) and the doctor for having me push before my son was ready (the nurses wanted me to “labor down” but the dr said “go ahead and have her start pushing. I have someone in the OR at 8:30”). After reading many many stories on here, I have come to accept that it’s just the way it works for some people sometimes. Some people push for hours without any pain relief. I do not want to be induced for the 2nd baby, but I do have a scheduled induction date at 41 weeks, if he goes that long. Because of my first experience, I know that I will likely get an epidural if I am given pitocin, and I’m ok with that.


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I was induced with my first 8 days early, I opted for an epidural as soon as contractions started because they came on in full force. I was in labour for 9 hours and then pushed for 20 mins. Didn't have any suction cup or anything, baby came out by the pushing. Everyone's stories are their own so you shouldn't base them on your own reality. You could be in labour for 2 hours or 24 hours. Go with your gut and if you don't want an epidural now you can ask for one whilst in labour. Truth is no other pain relief worked for me but everyone's different. Xx


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I ended up getting an epidural which I didn’t really want to but those pitocin contractions were kicking my a$$ after 23 hours I decided it was time especially after the contractions getting so strong I would get one and 💩. I still felt a lot of the birth you don’t completely go numb it just kind of makes it more bearable