Tired, exhusted, 2 days of contractions slow progression :(

Mackenzie • Blessed mommy of 3 💕 and 👼

Feel like I can’t do this for another second, I was determined to have a nice labour at home for as long as possible till I felt that I needed to go to the hospital. Monday I had contractions every 4 minutes for a minute. I continued to have them for all day and all night. Baby looked good on the monitor, my contractions were showing up, but my cervix was high and not soft or open. Next day I go in at 11 am they checked on baby he was good, my contractions still going and showing up on the monitor. They checked me and I progressed to 1CM and my cervix was soft. They said I’m in early labour and to go home till I can’t take the pain because I was pain managing well. I smiled and said okay. I have been having terrible cramps, nausea, period like cramps, tightening of the stomach. It’s getting harder to walk and move with him. I’m tired constantly and I can verily stay awake. The contractions take my breath away but than I’m fine and normal after them. I can usually sleep roughly through them. I’m wondering if I should go in and ask to get induced as I am getting so tired and sore I can verily function. I’m 37 and 3. They already talked to me about induction but I told them no I didn’t want it. I’m very natural and don’t like medicine etc. But I’m worried my body is going to get burnt out if I keep doing this. Opinions? My first labour was a total of 40 hours and 25 hours of active labour before I had my daughter. I don’t know how much more I can take.