35+3 headaches and Braxton Hicks

Sarah • Living my best life!

So I posted earlier today that I was worried about these headaches I’ve been getting because they just seem off....... I’ve drank plenty of water and had plenty of rest, I’ve also went on a walk and stayed in the a/c. Nothing has worked - although I haven’t taken painkillers (I’m not one to take them).

I vomited yesterday and since then felt baby VERY low!

5pm tonight I started to time the Braxton Hicks I’ve been feeling all day (it’s nearly 7pm now and they haven’t got any stronger). They are 2-4 minutes apart and last 45-60secs. They do not hurt and I am currently in the bath seeing if they go away.

When do I call the midwife? I know this is my third but I was induced with both my other babies.