Asking for a friend. Weird AF

Honey🌚 • 29. Pcos. Married. 👶🏻💙2/22/2020

I been ttc for 2 years. Had one miscarriage back in February after getting pregnant from clomid. Two weeks ago I experienced the worst lower back pain ever. Couldn’t even sit. I either had it be laying down or walking around. Didn’t think much of it. I got by using tiger balm / mountain ice topical ointments. I was set to start my period on June 4th. Midnight woke up and saw blood in cm. I Figured my period was starting. Nothing happened next morning. Just lost of cm and tiny spots. 2ND DAY inserted a q-tip (sorry tmi) and there was pink blood in the cm. And now I am on DAY 3 and no sign of af just cm. Q-tip is clean to. . Have small cramping and slight Lower back pain , slight pain in boobs. Especially right breast. Week ago it was the left one but nothing else. I am just bewildered. Has anyone ever experienced this ??