Guys, I don’t know what to do anymore...


I’m 15, my bf is 17. I had a pregnancy scare, and my boyfriend was pretty spooked. And I went and talked to his bestfriend about it today. He told me all about my boyfriends exes and how their relationships went down, and he told me my boyfriend might break up with me and to be warned. He told me my boyfriend might just be using me for sex and he might not actually love me. He went on this big rant about how he’s been a shitty bf to a lot of other girls and he doesn’t want me to get hurt. He said my boyfriend might take some time to think, and after that, there’s two outcomes. 1. He realizes shits getting real and he breaks up with me because he can’t handle it, or 2. He realizes he actually has real feelings of love towards me and he wants to continue with the relationship. He also said the relationship might go on like normal and it will eventually die off and we’ll lose feelings and be numb towards each other. I’m really scared. I don’t want him to break up with me. I don’t even know how to think about this right now...

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