Lauren • Married to my best friend ❤️ Three perfect little boys 💙 Two sweet angels 👼🏻💛

I don’t know if anyone else saw the “dick appt” post listed on here, but I tried sending a similar text to my hubby and he loved it! He thought it was hilarious and brilliant, and gave me the thumbs up and a wink for some hot sex tonight.

This is my fertile week, and we’ve been on a roll as far as sex goes, every 1-2 days, and it’s been absolutely amazing. Like, earth shattering orgasmS Aamazing

We got our son to sleep, and he tells me hes going to use the bathroom and take a shower before he comes in. So I’m thinking, great! I’ll just use the time to get ready. I go into our bedroom, strip down, jump into bed, and squeeze what little amount of Preseed we have left into the applicator, and shoot it up my vag. Even though there was only a little bit left, it was more than enough to flood the area 😂

I start watching some porn while I’m laying here to get myself even more in the mood, because I like watching it, and my hubby loves watching me watching it even more. So I’m watching it and as it’s getting to the good part, I hear the water shut off and the door open. I’m just laying there like

“Come on big boy” 😋😘😍😉 and he just gives me this look and comes and crawls in bed. I rolled over to him with my ass in the air, like come and get it ☺️ and he just sat there. And I’m like um, ???

He tells me that he’s really gassy. And just overall not in the mood and not feeling sexy enough to be sexed up.... and I’m just laying here... with my freaking vagina full of LUBE. FOR NO REASON NOW. I have now wasted what preseed we had left, and now I’m gonna have to go and clean up and scoop and wipe it all out 😒

Disclaimer before anyone gets their panties in a twist: I understand he’s experiencing discomfort and not in the mood. I’m not mad at him, I just thought my circumstance was funny and unfortunate 😂😂😂