long detailed c section story.


Luke’s birth story - long detailed c section story.

I am a gestational surrogate for a wonderful couple. I had a previa which required a c section delivery. This is my second previa and second c section. My intended parents also wanted to be surprised on the gender.

Checked in for my c section at 37+4 at 5:30 am. Had a great team of nurses and doctors prep me for surgery. Monitor baby. Take labs. Start IVs. Etc. At 7:15 am we walked into the OR. I sat for my spinal with the best nurse supporting me. This is my second c section but the spinal was painful this time. Not pain where the needle or injection actually was but I got some sharp shooting pains into the very end of my tail bone and then through my hip bones. It was over really quickly but was definitely unexpected. They were also able to give me anti nausea medications through my iv to combat my fear of throwing up, which worked. Then they also stuck a second anti nausea med, a patch behind my ear. Once I was good and numb, catheter was placed and I was draped for surgery; then the intended parents were both able to sit with me as they started the c section. There was a slight smell of cauterization and lots of wiggling sensations as surgery progressed. Then it was time to deliver the baby. It felt like the doctor was trying to pull my stomach and lungs out with the baby! No pain at all but pressure and pulling for sure. Once the baby had only it’s head out and body still inside, baby began to cry and protest loudly. The rest of the delivery was easier. Doctor held baby up so that the intended father could see and announce the gender. It’s a boy! Everyone teared up as Luke continued to cry loudly. His apgars were 9 and 9. He weighed 6 lbs 1 oz which is the smallest baby that I’ve birthed. Time of birth was 7:59 am. The parents and Luke were able to leave the OR and head to recovery. Then it became apparent that my uterus was not doing what it needed to do to stop bleeding. It wouldn’t contract. I ended up needing an IM injection of methergine, an IM injection of Hemabate, 4 oral cytotek pills, epinephrine and pitocin in my IV. Also due to the cytotek I had to be given an anti diarrheal through my IV. I lost 900 ml of blood and there was a small section of placenta that did not want to detach. But my uterus did start to cooperate. And I was able to be stitched and stapled closed. However due to all the medications, a normal side effect of shaking uncontrollably was magnified like 10 fold. I could not stop or relax. My whole body tensed and shook like a personal earthquake. I’m not sure how long it lasted. Maybe 30 minutes in the OR plus another 30 in recovery. They tried to stop them with demoral but it did not work. In recovery I also got fentynal and pretty soon after that the shakes stopped. I left the OR at 9 am. Unfortunately as the spinal wears off it sometimes leaves you with the most intense itching you could ever imagine. I could feel and move my legs within an hour in recovery. I made it to my post partum room just after 11 am. I was cleared for regular food and drink around noon. I was up and walking at 5 pm. There was much less pain after this c section than my first. But the itching is still persistent at 11 pm. I’ve pumped 4 ml of colostrum for Luke so far. My catheter will come out tomorrow morning. And I start gas X and Colace. We will also decide tomorrow if I need a blood transfusion after they check my blood count. If not then at least one of my two IVs can come out. Overall not a bad or painful experience but definitely a new experience for me

Update** no blood transfusion necessary! 48 hours after surgery my tummy is small enough to see the incision. 26 staples!!