So I as just wondering if I could get some advice..

My parents ( dad and stepmom) have turned their back on me, they don’t invite me to diner and they are going out partying and what not. I’m 18 well will be in like a week. I provide food for myself and I use the clothes I have gotten with my money. I have been with my boyfriend for a year now and they still hate him and they have never met him. I don’t really like that they are doing this to me.. we have tried to find somewhere to live due to my parents actions and my birth mother offered for me and my boyfriend to come stay with her for a little while. I’m starting to feel like I have no where to turn to and I hate to be the reason that my boyfriend moves across the country when we have no garentee of jobs or income... I’m really lost and don’t really know what to do.. I’m slowly starting to loose my mind and I am loosing hope on everything around me. I can’t afford to go to college right now because i got laid off when my job closed down.. I’m really starting to wonder what I did wrong, I was always a good kid and made decent grades and I played sports.. I could be homeless in the next few weeks or week. I’m just really in need of help and the only person that is there for me is my boyfriend and I feel so bad for him, like I’m ruining his life also.. I just i don’t know what’s going on anymore. Please help..