I need to have “the talk” with my best friend.

My best friend told me her and her boyfriend (who are both 15) had sex without a condom. She’s not on any birth control and I’m 90% sure this happened during her fertile days. She told me they were gonna use the pull out method (which is already total crap) but then they didn’t. Luckily she took a test and she isn’t pregnant which is an absolute miracle. But right after she took the test she sat down and told me she was sad she wasn’t pregnant. I told her it was just baby fever and that it was a really bad idea to have a kid right now. After that we didn’t talk about it. I know she won’t talk to her parents and I don’t trust any of her other friends to talk to her about this, so I really want to talk to her and really explain it to her. I just don’t think she fully gets it and I want to make sure she does. Any advice on how to go about this?

Side note: If anyone talks bad about her for having sex at a young age I will just delete your comment. She gets slut shamed a lot at school and I really don’t want to see that on here too. I’m sorry if that sounds mean but it breaks my heart to see that. If you don’t have anything nice or helpful to say please just click off of this post. Have a good day/afternoon/night :)