Is $200 for 6 weeks of food (only me) ok or too much?

I’m 17 and live alone. With rent, medicine, school and everything I’m finding money hard.

I’m trying to cut done in food costs. Before I was spending just over 200 for 3 weeks.

At the moment I’ve been skipping breakfast and lunch because I don’t have much food and I just eat half a can of red Kidney beans and some leftover canned carrots.

now I’m making a meal plan where I’ll eat rice and beans for breakfast with spinach, corn and hash brown for lunch, sweet potato soup for dinner. I’m thinking every Friday I can have a snack like popcorn and on Sundays I can have roast vegetables for dinner.

I am 39kg at the moment and 155cm tall so I definitely need to gain weight. (It’s not that underweight though).

I’m a vegetarian so don’t have to worry about meat. (This meal plan is vegan)

I take a multi, iron and omega supplement daily along with magnesium every 2 days.

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