Somethings Wrong 😭

So I’ve been to the doctor , had my STD checking , had my urine tested , everything came back negative ; even the yeast infection that I thought I currently had . My urethra burns , itches , inflamed , and is causing me sooooooo much pain .. but nobody knows what it is .

It all started with a white , thick , chunky , non smelling Discharge , that got worse with Monostat 1 , so the doctors gave me Terconazole cream , which does absolutely nothing for me . I’m also pregnant and have NEVERRRRRRRRR had this feeling before , but I think it’s because of the pool I was swimming in ..

TMI : but it feels like something might be stuck inside my urethra and might just be causing me a lot of pain and irritation , but nothing comes out when I use the restroom ..

I just want this to go away , it’s annoying , uncomfortable, and it makes it extremely hard for me to fall asleep at night 😭 . And itching it makes the feeling 10x worse ..

I just some answers or thoughts on what it may be , cause this is wack and I tired of this 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ..