Having a baby girl


So this dream is old. Six years ago when my family moved to a new house, I started to have dreams that I was pregnant. The dreams wasn't everyday but it seemed to be in real time. For example, I had a dream she was about 8 months old. I came into the room where she way crying in her bed and got her dressed. Two months after that, I had a dream of her walking around and so on. On night I had a dream I was in school with her. I remember think that someone was coming. To take her away, that I don't know. Anyway, I left school and hid her in a store near my school. Then the dream stopped. Two years later, at this time she would have been 4, I had a dream I was going to the store. I some a baby stroller sitting outside. I thought that it was weird. When I came out it was still there so I looked inside to her, still as she was. In this dream I didn't know who she was. I took her and raised her. When she appeared to be 4 in the dream, she became supper attached to me. She didn't want me to leave and kept calling me mom. I got angry and yelled that I wasn't. The room we once stood in turned into a dark purple. My POV zoomed into her emotionless face. "Why don't you love me mommy", she kept saying until I woke up not being able to move. I saw this long, boney, nude lady standing over me. She lend in and whispered momma over and over until I tried to speak. She stood up, walked into my closet, and closed the door. I jumped up looking straight at my closed closet. I didn't know what to do other than pretend it didn't happen. That was the last time I dreamed about her.