I feel like I need advice and help...

Jade • Ralph 15.11.18🤰💙 angels 14.06.17😇& Jelly baby 26.02.18😇

I'm 14 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I have had previous anxiety before pregnancy which I knew how to handle and pretty much sorted, recently I'm having crippling anxiety, I have had shakes it's that bad, I've had some family issues and relationship issues that may have built up to this but, I'm scared, I don't like how I feel, I have had anxiety before but not like this not this bad! I'm terrified of myself and how I feel, when I calm down I find myself worrying about when it will start up again, I hate myself I don't like who I am, i don't feel like me anymore I'm not this person! I'm scared of This, I feel constant paranoia and anxiousness all the time, I just wanna cry, I dunno what to expect from this post? I just don't know what to do I feel like I'm not me at the moment...