Gender woes and NIPT Test Results...


I’m so thankful that all tests came back negative! But I am struggling to forget that the gender results are in! I was so relieved when I gave my friend the envelope with our baby’s gender sealed and taped inside! Until... she texted me and said “I just ordered the smoke bomb” we are having a gender reveal party next weekend. All I could think was “damn she knows what my baby is 😔” We are really pulling for team blue!! We have 2 girls and 1 boy, who says if it’s not a boy he’s moving out lol he’s turning 10 next month 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyways I am so nervous that if it’s a girl I may feel a bit of disappointment - not to say I wouldn’t love her more then life its self because obviously I would! Any one have any thing similar or advice? Maybe it’s just an emotional night lol