Laid off; should we still be trying?


I was laid off from my job this week, with my last day being next Friday. We have been trying to get pregnant for a few months now. I do have a decent severance and of course unemployment. My partner isn’t worried at all and is confident I will find a new job quickly- he says I’m just going on summer vacation. He has no problem continuing to try. The thing is, I loved my current job and I’m heartbroken about losing it. I also worked from home and had a lot of flexibility, offering me opportunities that I wouldn’t otherwise have while parenting. I also value my work a lot and do not want to be unemployed and I’m worried getting pregnant while I embark on this job search will hinder the process. Again, though, he’s incredibly supportive and said if I get pregnant, then I can just take care of the baby. I’m so lucky to have him and very fortunate to be in the position I’m in, but I’m torn about this decision and unsure if it’s the most logical, responsible thing to do. Has anyone had a similar situation? Any thoughts or advice?