Keto is totally for me! :))

I’m SO happy to have been introduced to Keto by all of you ladies. I had never heard of it before. I started at 255 lbs at my highest. Before I had kids I was 200 and still was trying to get to 180 at least. I had been comfortable at 160 (I just like to be a little on the thicker side and my butt and thighs are big (I attribute that to many many years of figure skating I just built so much muscle training every day for hours). I was in a 5 year domestic violence relationship where I went from 160 all the way up to 220. I met my current husband a handful of months after I was able to escape my abusive ex and I had been 200 when we started dating but was at a plateau for almost a year before we decided to have our first baby. I actually got all the way up to 280 when I was 9 months pregnant with our second child two years ago. My kids were born 10 and 9 lbs. I’ve tried numerous times to diet and exercise but I could never get past 242 so after a couple of weeks at the same weight I would always give up and it’s been a roller coaster of up and down. On June 3 I was 250 lbs and I weighed myself this morning June 9th and I was so happy to see 241 on the scale! I feel so accomplished! I finally broke 242! I haven’t taken before and after pictures because I’m scared I’m still going to be upset with the after pictures each month since I still have a ways to go. But I think I will starting tomorrow. Keto is so easy for me and it has totally put food into perspective for me, I had no idea how many carbs and how much sugar was in a lot of the “diet” food I used to eat to try to lose weight. I FEEL LIBERATED! I want to cry. This is totally the right path and way of life for me! I can’t wait for the rest of my journey.