Finally pregnant!


From the time I started my period at 14, they were irregular. I suffered from acne and seeked medical attention to address my issues as a teenager. My OBGYN diagnosed me with PCOS and prescribed birth control pills to help.

I stayed on birth control for the most part for over 10 years, stopping in October of 2015!

​In 2016 my husband and I became engaged & we started planning our dream wedding! I sought medical attention at this time letting my doctor know I was concerned about getting pregnant due to my medical history. My periods with out birth control were inconsistent. The doctors brushed me off so I figured I’d be able to get pregnant easily. The doctor (a new doctor) even told me I did not have PCOS & that I was misdiagnosed!!

​My husband and I got married June 24, 2017 and we were very eager to start a family! I was 27 years old and we started trying immediately. We did not use any protection for the past 2 years & I just blamed it on unpredictable periods and not having sex at the right time.

​In January 2018 I decided to consult with a Reproductive Endocronologist. She diagnosed me with a “mild form of PCOS” and hypothyroidism. I was immediately put on medication for my thyroid and Clomid.

​In March I finally became pregnant! We were so happy but my HCG was not rising normally so they let me know the pregnancy would not be viable.

​Devastated, we decided to keep trying with the clomid! I also wanted to take a more holistic approach and talked with my RE about acupuncture! She recommended someone who they work with very closely so I felt very comfortable working with her.

​I found out I was pregnant again at the end of May!! My HCG is rising normally & I’m continuing weekly acupuncture during my first trimester to pr vent miscarriage!

​We are thrilled! I am still nervous and will probably be during the first 12 weeks! Today I am 5 weeks & 4 days pregnant 🤗

​My advice to anyone trying to conceive is to be proactive! I went to the library and took out every fertility book I could! I slowly started making changes to my diet and switched out my cleaning products etc.

​Please pray for us & that this will be a sticky baby!