TTC for about a year help..

I’m at my heaviest weight.. I’m currently 194.. we have been trying for about a year.. we’ve been married 8 years this month and together for 10... I’m 27 hubby is 30.. for first 8 months I would track using opk.: now I don’t use them.. I need all the tips I can get I’m tired of trying.. I know I’m on the heavy side.. I have gained about 45 pounds in 3 years due to nursing school and my boards . Been working as nurse few months.. any suggestions on what I can do ?? I plan to start tomorrow and eat a salad a day and try to eat better..: we both work about 50 hours or more a week.. so we don’t have sex all the time.. mainly around when I think I ovulate.. I have 28 to 30 day cycles