The separation anxiety is R E A L

Clarissa • Mama

I am not kidding you when I tell you Olive has to be ON TOP on my face at all times lately. Sleeping, out and about, playing, EVERYWHERE.

I have bruises all over my arms and chest from her climbing up me to be on my face.

What the heck?! I love her to pieces and snuggle when she wants to snuggle (because there may come a time when she doesn’t want to snuggle), but I can’t have a monkey on my face while I’m trying to grocery shop 😂 I would post a video from our baby cam if I could- it is so crazy!! I’ll see if my husband will take a picture while we are out and about this week.

I have to admit that I’m having bad separation anxiety with her too 🙈 I started going back to church and leaving her in the 1yo room breaks my heart 💔 The whole hour of service I keep her pager on me almost like an earring in case I miss it (they have pagers like restaurants do that the sitters can make vibrate and light dimly if baby needs attention). I feel crazy because I know it’s just an hour, but I spend ALL of my time with her- rarely get any time away because my husband isn’t with us much.

Is anyone else still on this train where they’re super attached to their baby? Or where their baby is unusually attached to you??

And a picture of her “showing me her teeth like a lion” because she’s hilarious 😂