11 weeks and depressed.


Anyone else feel severely depressed?!

I’ve never really had kids on my radar but when I found out I was surprisingly happy (thought I’d be running for the hills) but I’ve had just the worst first trimester. I had severe growing pains to the point they thought it was ectopic - it’s not, I’m now on week 5 of all day nausea!

I’m fatigued, I can’t work, I can’t exercise.

I can barely eat and if I do it’s not good food, I only seem to like junk food which doesn’t help my energy levels.

I can’t drink cos having water in my stomach makes me want to be sick.

I pretty much sit on the couch all day every day, cause moving makes it worse.

My husband has come home to me bawling my eyes out cos I’m so sick of not being able to do anything. I’ve only had 4 days where I felt back to my normal self. I’m absolutely hating life.

This is taking any joy I had about little p (our nickname for her/him) to the point I sometimes feel like I don’t want this and I just want to get back to my normal life.

How does everyone deal?

Surely I’m not the only one who is having a hard time.

My husband is very supportive and says all the right things and that my body is giving all the best bits of me to little p which is why I feel so crap. He makes sure I don’t have to move and gets me all the things I need.

But the struggle is real.... and wonder if all this is worth it.

(FYI I am taking elevit prenatal vitamins and their morning sickness relief which helps a little but not a lot. )