Second Hand Smoke Solution


I have really bad allergies/asthma/respiratory issues.

I keep this N95 mask from Home Depot in my purse now, and hold it to my face when I smell smoke or I’m stuck near a smoker. It adds so much more than what my hand or arm does alone (It’s what they recommend to use while evacuating from SoCal fires since people are wrongly using surgical/medical masks). I kept the plastic mold it came in to keep it clean and safe from tearing)

It’s very convenient, and I wish I had done this earlier in life too.

I wore this to a out door Vegas event last night.

It’s 95% effective, but that’s better than nothing.

I still dodged smokers, but in areas where they would come and go often, it was nice to be safe from the smell and any coughing attacks.

Had I gone without it last night, I’m sure I would’ve gone to the ER, or just wouldn’t be able to stay at all.