I can't stand my parents😒


I and my fiancé ( "my fiancé and I" for the grammar nazi in the comments) woke up this morning to texts from my parents saying I need to take my fiancé to go look for jobs. He was recently let go of a seasonal job so he applied at a restaurant and starts there soon. I've told my parents this already but I woke up to a novel of a Text telling him to get a job. And it sucks because we live with my parents (their choice wanting us to save money) and they always just send long paragraphs in a group texts of like Chores and to do shit that needs to get done. We normally do it no complaints but honestly it was getting ridiculous how much stuff they were texting is so I put up a white board on the fridge and told them about it and my moms the only one who will use it. My dad just sends really passive aggressive texts with orders. And they keep going out really late and getting trashed and coming home and I talk to them and they remember nothing. (Hence why they don't remember my fiancé getting a job.) but I'm also 25 weeks pregnant and ever since I was 10 weeks they said they'd clean out the storage room for a nursery and I can't really do that since it's all there stuff in storage but no one has touched it and I'm almost in my 3 trimester. I'm just getting fed up with them being down right nasty to my fiancé, going out every night, and being so involved with every single thing I do. I'm just done. I want to move out but every time I bring it up they bring me down about it and I'm just getting really tired of this.