Stop using "Triggered" as an insult

Yael • My baby girl is my WORLD

I don't know if a lot of you actually know this, but triggered is originally an actual medical term usually used in mental health cases. In different mental illnesses, you are taught to find your trigger that may cause you to relapse, cut, drink, have anxiety attacks, have PTSD flashbacks, literally a long list of things. It can take people years to figure out their triggers. Usually in therapy you are taught to find out what triggers you and learn how to best cope with it to avoid destructive behavior.

Now adays triggered has turned into an insult. And it is making it even harder to get people in need of mental health help to even ADMIT to triggers. Why? Because now they are used in such a negative and derogatory way that it makes people with actual triggers feel more self conscious about it and not want to admit to it because it means they are weak and sensitive. This is WRONG. I am so tired of people throwing around "aw are you triggered? do you need a safe space" or stupid triggered gifs. Ya! Some peopl medically have triggers and some even need a safe space to cope because they are mentally ill! Stop making them feel inferior or stupid or just too sensitive. I don't think people even realize what triggered really means and I am so tired of hearing it because it is so insensitive to those who are trying to actually live with their triggers every day.