Sharing a baby with someone who treats you like incompetent trash.


My ex and I split about 1.5 months after our now 5 month old child was born. I still love him so it’s extra hurtful when I drop off or he picks up when he bashes me, my parenting, or just flat or mocks me like an immature toddler (for some reason that just really hurts my feeling I wish it didn’t) he’s not a bad parent therefor just taking his days away doesn’t seem right to me. I’m just wondering how some of you ladies deals with someone who thinks and announces how your trash. It hurts me so badly today I was trying to go do something for myself and snatched the car seat back because he hurt my feelings so I didn’t get to go do my thing.

I’m so depressed so much so sometimes it just feels numb to the outside world ): right now is not one of those times I’m crying my eyes out.

I don’t need any encouraging words of how great I am I know I’m not trash (sometimes) I just really need advice on how to do this dance with him/: