is she trying to get in with my man


okay so my fiance and I are waiting until we're married to move in together he's living with his family I'm living with mine. but there's a twist his youngest uncle has a girlfriend he's about 3 or 4 years younger than us I'm 27 his uncle into his 40s this girl just gave birth to his baby I had left town to take my child to see her father's family in Denver for the weekend I came back and all I wanted was to get laid so I went over to his house and this girl gets all chipper and says oh there you are and he was like yeah I'm just grabbing a glass of ice water and then I'm going to go change and go hang out with my girl. well we get into about two minutes of sex and this girl comes and knocks on the door and mind you she knocks on the door to show him how skinny she was before she got pregnant with his uncle's baby... now mind you this girl was cracked out before she got pregnant so she was only like 82 lb it was super nasty I know for a fact that my old man likes a little bit of meat on the bones because he b****** at me about wanting me to gain weight and I have such a high metabolism that it is physically impossible for me to gain much weight unless I'm pregnant but this girl gets mad that I'm over at his house or his grandma's house I should say but back to the point she doesn't like when I'm there cuz his family adores me cuz I'm good for him here she was strung out n I take all her attention she'll come stand between us smiling at him and wiggle around... I'm not a jealous person typically but she keeps giving these signs like always interrupting our time and the small flirtation she lives there while his uncle is locked up should I be concerned about this girl am I all a sudden delusional?

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