Someone I'm very close to doesn't want her baby.

Someone in my family got unintentionally pregnant and she will not stop putting her pregnancy down. She announced it to the whole family so she doesn't plan on terminating the pregnancy, but she acts like she wishes she could. She's still in her first trimester and the doctor had some concerns about the fragility of her pregnancy. She said "Well it's still holding on" but she said it in the worst tone as to imply that it was unfortunate. She makes comments about wishing her body would just absorb it or something. I'm very upset because I'm more than excited for this baby. I know it isn't my place and it isn't my baby and I can't dictate how she feels. But it's killing me. I joked that I'd take the baby, but I'm 23 and single so my family didn't find that funny. They said that it would "ruin my life." I'm tired of all the baby negativity in this house. It's toxic.