Do you think a frowning belly button is ugly or unattractive?

I had made a poll asking who has a frowning belly button, so I am going off that poll because many of you do not have one. Here is the picture that I found online for reference.

Pool Question:

Do you think that a frowning belly button is ugly? (I am not judging anyone since I have one and hate it)

Also is there any way to fix it without surgery? Any personal experiences with that?

I had gotten a belly button piercing about 5 years ago thinking I would like my belly button better but the guy pierced it with very little skin so I have a little piece of skin kinda hanging down a little (the hole will not heal and it doesn’t look like a cute hole, just a little piece of wrinkly skin) I had told my boyfriend about the piercing gone wrong because I was nervous about him seeing my belly button and he said “it looks like you got into a knife fight” and I know it’s just because my belly button frowns that it looks like that and it’s not piercing related. That was when we first started dating and we have been dating for a year and a half now and I am still so self conscious because of it. He also will just glance at me after we have sex and I’m naked so I feel bad. Please leave nice comments and there is no need to tell me I have self image issues because I know. Thank you

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