ouch the pain


38 weeks. I went for a walk to take kids to the summer lunch program.. I want to say it is a mile away from my home. on the way there I had some pelvic and lower belly pain but nothing too bad. sat there while they ate their lunch and played I wanna say 45 minutes. started walking back home first half mile not too bad some pain a little worse than on the way there. then the second half OMG my whole stomach tightened and just getting tighter and tighter deeper and deeper in my belly. by the time I made it home I am in tears barely able to breathe in so much pain. get home lay on my left side on the couch the tightness slowly starts to settle.. finally it has dissipated. now 3 hours later I have still been having cramping in my pelvis and back area like period cramps but tightening with it and heavy breathing. I have been texting my Dr. and he says to watch it which I am but the hospital I have to go to is 30ish minutes away (depending on traffic) and I have to do a c section (3rd one). so I am curious do i blow it off as nothing because it hasnt been as intense again or do I go in and get seen? my Dr. is leaving it up to me.