Feeling blue..


Im 29 weeks pregnant and I feel like the closer I get to my due date the more emotional I am getting. The more tired I am and the less patience I have. Anyone else feeling this way? I miss my old body. I was really fit about 3 months before getting pregnant (I had to stop because I was recovering from weak muscles near my scapula which made my right shoulder overwork which ended up bringing me pain) so I haven’t worked out. I did prenatal yoga for a couple of weeks but stopped. Now that my baby sits higher I see a pouch of fat just wiggle when I walk. My legs are not toned at all anymore and top it off my husband doesn’t want to have sex because he’s afraid to squish the baby. I feel less attractive for him. 😰 please I need some encouragement ladies! The left was me in HS and after graduating I went up to almost 200 lbs! I’ve always been a chunky girl and battled with my weight so it’s really hitting me. I always said I would be a “fit pregnant mom” but when I wanted to get back to working out early on in my pregnancy (i had just got clearance from my doctor in regards to my should and my OBG) I started to spot so my doctor said no exercising so here I am.