Anatomy scan and my baby is only measuring on the 7th percentile?

❤️CarlJam❤️ • 👧🏻+👦🏻+👦🏻+👶🏻 ❤️Engaged to my first love❤️ XII-XXV-MMIV

So i just had my anatomy scan at 22+4 today and everything came back normal with the baby except his weight which is 15 oz which i thought was normal but the doctor said it’s only 7th percentile and they all want their measurent on the growth to be on the 10 percentile, i go back in for growth scan in 2 weeks. Does anybody here have had the same issue and turns out fine? First time it happen to me, and this is my 3rd baby and idk if it has something to do with my hyperthyroid and BP issues and the meds i’m taking but before i left they measured the blood flow on the umbilical cord again and it came back normal 🤷🏻‍♀️ please keep my nerves down lol... TIA