Boyfriend problems

I’ve been back with my boyfriend for 3 months. We were previously together for a year before a week break ( due to mental health reasons). Our relationship this time round is much healthier and stable.

The problem is he is moving away in July. I trust him so I’m not worried about him finding someone else but I know it’s going to be hard because we are used to seeing each other a lot. We’ve talked about if we’re still together and strong by the end of the year I’ll move in with him in January. As well as both of us travelling to see each other as much as possible. Im just scared of losing him.

We’ve been through a lot as a couple and it has made us stronger. I love him so much and I can’t imagine my life without him. That’s why I hate the fact my anxiety gives me all these horrible thoughts about him moving. I could use some emotional support with this and some advice.