My message to heaven😇💕😘

Today is the day my husband and I start packing to move to our new house that we are officially closing on next Thursday. As I am packing my spare room, I move to my drawer of cards that I keep. I try to keep every card that is ever written to me or my husband. I love the personalization of them. To have a hand written note to you from someone you care about.

Anyway, I stumble across one of my graduation cards. It’s from my grandpa and grandma. My grandma wrote it 1 year before she passed away. She passed away in 2016, and it hit my extremely hard. I’m still grieving. She was my best friend and my rock. She was there for me from day 1. I told her everything and she helped me and supported me through everything. Where my mom couldn’t provide, my grandma and grandpa did. I’m still close to my grandpa. These are my Dad’s parent the way.

As I sit here reading this, I have a feeling that I need to write this.

This card, although meant for graduation, fits all of my accomplishments now and in the future.

My message to my grandma now.

I miss you so everyday. I know you never truly left me and I know you are still supporting me today. I know you know what I went through as a child and you know how far I have come in life. I am 21, married to the love of my life and the best man I know, buying our first home, both have good jobs, and are happy. I hope you know, I very large chunk of who I am today and my accomplishments are because of you. I truly hope you are proud of me. I know you would have loved to see our home, there will always be photo of you in it to remind if the woman I am meant to be. To remind me that I meant for big things and to be the best me there is. I pray that I see you again someday. You will always be my best friend and my rock. I love you with all of my heart! Thank you for everything! Rest in paradise and keep my seat warm please. I love you! 💕

P.s. Please send us a baby soon! 😊