Should I dump my bf for my bff

Ok so I’ve been with my boyfriend for soon three years, (known each other for five through Internet) I’m 25 and he’s 31.

I love him to death but there is one problem, I really want kid... it’s very important to me, but it’s very important to him to not have more kids as he have one already who’s 13 and he never gets to see her(she lives across the country) and he’s sad about it.

I think he should dare to have another kid, because I know he would be a great father (he’s very very caring and responsible and considerate)

but yeah he doesn’t want more kids and

I guess I can’t force him. Even tho I love him I’m scared I’m actually wasting my time here and one day will regret it so bad.

On the other hand I have a best friend who’s been in love with me for about 10 years, he’s really cool and fun to be around! And he really wants kids! I’m thinking maybe I should give it a shot with him instead... he’s always been in the friend zone but... idk?

Maybe I can change my view on him. It would be perfect if it worked out but I guess I would never have true feelings for him as for my boyfriend... what should I do? :(

Should I stay in this relationship and prob end up childless or should I leave and maybe have a child but not true love?