What happens to the ring??


If you break off an engagement what happens to the ring?? I feel like I should give it back but hold on to it thinking things may work out but I feel like I’m only fooling my self. What would you ladies do if the engagement was broken??

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Posted at
if you got class, give it back. it's only fair if you reject his request.


Daniella • Jun 15, 2018
That’s what I feel that I look at the ring and I’m hoping everything will go back to normal that I can keep planning the wedding knowing I shouldn’t be thinking of it anymore


😁 • Jun 15, 2018
if the break up was legitimate I'd still give it back.... idk what is do with something that's only remind the past... wouldn't want to be stuck in time, thsts just personally me.


Daniella • Jun 15, 2018
But I didn’t reject his request I’ll gladly marry him 😫😫😫 lol but thanks that’s what I’m gonna end up doing


Posted at
I dont know if it was a mutual break up or if you called it off then I’d give it back. Even if you guys got in a big fight I’d still recommend returning it. The only case in which I’d keep it was if he was a huge twat waffle and like cheated on you or something 🤷🏼‍♀️


Daniella • Jun 15, 2018
Well he’s coming over tomorrow to give me his part of the insurance which I think we should also split so I’ll just give it to him.


Co • Jun 15, 2018
And if y’all aren’t on talking terms I’d just leave it at his place or something


Co • Jun 15, 2018
Yeah I’d just give it back and move on from him 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Posted at
Give the ring back. Engagement rings are a symbol of a promise to be married, if you're breaking that promise then you should return the ring. Besides they're expensive and if you won't be wearing it then he should be able to do what he needs with that ring. Its just good form to return the ring.


Daniella • Jun 15, 2018
I didn’t break it off I’ll gladly marry him and I haven’t taken it off but I think I’m gonna give it back I’ve tried to talk to him and he keeps declining


Posted at
Give it back


Posted at
Offer to give the ring back. If he’s decent he won’t take it back and wouldn’t try to reuse the ring. Instead he’ll let you keep the ring you earned.


Ny • Jun 15, 2018
I disagree. Though I started with offer to give the ring back. The rest of my answer falls in line accordingly and not off the bat.


Kelly • Jun 15, 2018
You didn’t “earn” anything! You give the ring back.


Posted at
What is the drama for? You got rejected just give it back 🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
ive had to break off a few engagements because the men showed their horrible true selves once they put a ring on. every time, they keept the ring. if youre not engaged to him, why do you need to have the ring? if you two decide itll work, He'll have the ring to either propose again or just give back to you.


Taylor • Jun 15, 2018
it was, the most recent one, the pond one, was the hardest but it had to be done so i could be healthy again ❤


Ad • Jun 15, 2018
oh My! (to the pond story). That must have been heartbreaking to have to end multiple engagements! I hope this one works out for ya :)


Taylor • Jun 15, 2018
except for my last engagement...he threw it in the pond near my house 😂


Posted at
When my ex fiance ended our engagement, I kept and sold the ring. I was told by many people that the ring was a gift to me and I could do anything i wanted to it so I sold it.


Daniella • Jun 15, 2018
Thanks I’ll see what I decide


Amanda • Jun 15, 2018
That happened to me in 2014. Its up to you what you want to do with it. I decided to keep it and sell it because he wasn't the greatest bf and it wasn't the greatest relationship.


Daniella • Jun 15, 2018
That’s what I would say it’s MINE it was given to me but idk it just breaks my heart I don’t think I can sale it or keep it ugh


Posted at
Keep it and selll it ala Mariah Carey


Daniella • Jun 15, 2018


Posted at
give it back if you guys will get back together he will probably put it in a safe place