Anyone in London?

Hi everyone,

I know most of you are in the US and I wonder if there are any ladies in the UK in this group?

I’d love to find some - as I can’t talk to anyone about the fact we are TTC.

I’m 41, partner is 40 and we’ve been TTC properly for just over a year with no luck.

Reason I want to find some UK ladies, is because I think our test results are given in different measurements and it’s SO CONFUSING when I look try to compare with my US sisters!

I’m no mathematician, and I can’t work out the different between pmol/L and whatever and it would be amazing to chat to some other ladies here so we can compare accurately.

Not trying to withhold the love from you ladies over the pond - you can all join in - I just wanted to see if I couple find any local girls!

Babydust to you all. 😍