Conspiracies (Long, confusing post)

DevilGirlFromMars • Go loco mah fran

We live in a world where conspiracies fuel our media, from political malefactors to the shape of the earth.

But where do you draw the line between questioning information and conspiracy?

Do you think conspiracy theories are healthy and/or helpful?

What defines a conspiracy to you, personally?

I’m asking all of this because a video got me thinking. We are so quick to discredit alternative facts, and rarely look into other points of view and information sources. We label anything beyond our scope of understanding or tolerance as conspiracy or fiction.

Some theories are ridiculous. Some are so believable that they’re coming true. But I believe we should all be open to different ways of thinking. Why should we discredit someone else’s ideas, just because we think they’re weird or different from what we’ve been told?

Again, some are completely outrageous and unbelievable. And before you ask, I am not a flat earther, despite the memes I post.

I’m just curious as to what y’all think about how we, as a society, process alternative information.