Anyone ready to give up?


I'm in my mid 30s and have struggled for 3 years ttc for #1, been through minor & major surgery to diagnose and remove a fybriod. I've charted bbt, used opk, use preseed, dobe tonnes of bloodwork, see a fertility Dr, do accupuncture and tcm and nothing. All this while my closest friends are getting pregnant without trying (one missed a birth control pill one day!! Arg!!)

It has been incredibly stressful and devistatingly sad. I'm preparing to throw in the towel after my next and final <a href="">IUI</a>. I just can't handle the emotional rollercoaster amy more.

We can' t justify <a href="">IVF</a> because I know I couldn't handle going through all of that without being successful, honestly I've been down so low with all of this failure to concieve, I couldn't handle more. We're going to start down another long and emotional and expensive road to adoption.

Has anyone had a similar experience? I'm not looking for a pity party but it would be so helpful to hear your story.