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So I was with my sons dad for 3 years. We got pregnant 6 months into the relationship. Right when I was about to leave him. So I stayed and he cheated on me and abused me physically and mentally. Still I stayed (stupid I know). Fwd to now I left him in the beginning of June because I just couldn't take the abuse, cheating, and fighting anymore. Guess what 2 days later I found out I was pregnant. Idk what to do. I don't want him involved in this pregnancy whatsoever. He's even gone far enough to wish death on the baby and me. Also wished I was unhappy for the rest of my life. I don't want him involved in my sons or this mew babys life at all anymore. I'm so confused as to if I'm doing the right thing? Recently am ex of mine came back into my life and we are talking again. He states if we get back togetger he will be there for my kids as a father. Am I wrong for wanting this? I just want to be happy and most of all I want my kids to be happy. Any advice?