Problems with cycle...


Posted this elsewhere but wasn't sure if it was the right group or anything and never got any responses, just want some advice/support/reassurance ❤️

Before I get in to this I just want to mention I'm really just looking for advice off people who may be in a similar situation to me. I know every body is different and what is natural for some might not be for others. I am currently not trying for a baby. I am 23 years old and am in University finishing my degree. I would like to start trying for a baby when I am about 25. This is quite long so apologies in advance.

I have been on and off BC since I was about 16. I finally came off it for good in october 2017 and my period came as normal. I thought my cycle was completely regular and a normal length until I started tracking my cycle using a different app in February and then using Glow in April. Since then I've found my cycles can vary between 32-38 days in length. Me being the science geek I am decided to do a bit of digging on cycle lengths and possible causes of longer cycles (health and disease is what I want to get into post-graduation). Most things that came up pointed to PCOS or just not ovulating regularly or properly, both of which can lead to difficulties in conceiving naturally.

As I previously mentioned I am not currently ttc- as much as I would love to have a baby now isn't the right time in my life- so I haven't been the doctor as they wouldn't bother testing me for anything anyway. What I really want to know off you ladies is if any of you have had cycle lengths similar to mine and not had any problems conceiving? I know most of you think I'm being stupid but I'm genuinely concerned and I think about it everyday. To not be able to give my boyfriend a child when the time is right would destroy me and I honestly just need a bit of reassurance that I'm not alone or a bit of advice if anyone has had concerns similar to mine and found out they too sadly have difficulties conceiving. Thank you so much and also well done if you made it to the end of this post 😂