Possible pregnant?? And surgery Wednesday....


Hi everyone I’m newly TTC, I had my mirena removed June 1. Back story, I had a period while on mirena May 1 and May 29 like clockwork as I usually am then IUD removed June 1 and immediately started TTC. According to my previous periods I should of ovulated June 11-12 well those days I had slight cramping and really sensible nipples. Hubby and I also DTD. Well now 7 days post Ovulation I noticed I had a watery discharge so I went to check it and I’m actually lightly bleeding (so light it hasn’t shown on TP when going potty or on my undies just when I inserted finger) also slight cramping.

I’m kinda concerned I’m pregnant now and yes that’s what I want but I had to book a sudden surgery for Wednesday. Because we were TTC my obgyn is Doing a blood pregnancy test tomorrow but if I just implanted I don’t think it’s show? Would it?