I don’t want an abortion but boyfriend does

I have been with my boyfriend now for about 1 year .. recently I found out I’m 4 weeks pregnant.. in the beginning he encouraged me to get off of birth control, so I did because I was okay with dedicating so much of myself to him because he is the only one I want , from getting kicked out of my house and being on my own , having a family with him didn’t seem so scary.. as time past and I would get my period he would say we would try again and having a baby with me would be the ultimate joy. But now that I’m actually pregnant he wants me to get an abortion because he feels it’s not the right time and we are both not financially capable of supporting ourselves let alone a child . I see where he is coming from and he makes valid points but what hurts me is he entangled me in this fantasy life I thought I would have with him, he says he loves me and he does want to get married and we have the opportunity to have kids when we’re more financially stable (I’m 21 he’s 23) me on the other hand have never considered getting an abortion , I never looked at that as an option . I do want to get my degree and travel with him but I feel like a baby won’t stop me from being great like I get it it’s hard to be a young parent but I just cannot come to terms with abortion . I see where his points are made but is it selfish of me to keep our baby regardless of what he wants right now .. I keep thinking he’s sacred and will eventually come around to the idea of having a little person who loves you more than you love yourself .. I’m posting to gain insight and clarity from many different woman who may have or may not have to have made this decision .. and also to see all the options I may have other than aborting my unborn