Can't find a

Can't find a husband, am 30 yrs old where is all the men. Need someone that love God but its so hard these days to find a good loving and caring man.
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Have you examined yourself and your qualities and what you have to offer as a wife?


ShaCourtney • Jul 10, 2015
well GL hun you can't rush a marriage you have to get the relationship first ..


Selia • Jul 10, 2015
yes! I'll be the best wife any man could ever have, with the help of God


Posted at
Girl pray about it and let God bring the man to you. Age does not matter in Gods eyes and don't let that deceive you that your getting old. When you wait and focus on what he needs you to do he would bring the right boaz your way. 


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Maybe you could answer that ad for a god fearing woman a woman in Maryland posted for her brother J/k ;)