Would you do extra scans if you could?


I originally posted this in my birth month group but decided to post here instead because you ladies can relate to the anxiety of being pregnant after a miscarriage. My first pregnancy was a mmc so I struggle with the 'not knowing' between scans. I've had three scans so far. My first was a dating scan at 7w (at a proper ultrasound place), then I had one at 10w with my ob at my first appointment, and my third at 11w6d with my midwife that they offered just for reassurance. At this appointment she told me I can come as often as I want for scans in between my official appointments and it doesn't cost me anything. I have my early anatomy scan on Monday (12w6d) at a proper ultrasound place again with the big machines (they are just little ones with my ob/midwife) and then my next ob appointment is 3 weeks later where I will get another scan. I'm thinking about organising another reassurance scan 1.5 weeks after my anatomy scan but I wonder if I'm being crazy and letting my anxiety take over.