tax accountant with a February due date!

We just found out we’re expecting a little one. After the news of a miscarriage in April, we are EXTATIC but still nervous and not telling anyone. I’m so excited but I’m also so nervous! I have my own accounting practice, and my due date is the end of February. I’m going to have to rush back into things, and thankfully I have a very strong support system, but I still worry! I built my practice from the ground up, and I’ve worked so hard to get here. I’m trying to just be happy that we are getting another chance to be parents, but I can’t help but be nervous about miscarrying again OR about what will happen once we bring this little one into the world. I feel like a horrible person for worrying about work, but I built a career so my kids can look at me the way I look at my own mom. She’s a career goddess, and I’ve always been so proud of her. She always made me want to be just like her, and I want my kids to have those same ambitions. I want them to have a better life than I could have ever dreamed for them.

I know nerves are normal, and I’m trying so hard to stay calm for the sake of this little peanut. How have you guys managed to push aside your nerves? Are you in a similar situation?