TMI: Super Swollen Vagina PLEASE HELP 😭💥

Okay ladies, here’s the story:

Last weekend I went to the pool at my apartment and the next day it burned to pee. I CHUGGED water and cranberry juice for 3 days and everything seemed okay.

Then about 2 days ago, things got SUPER itchy down there and I couldn’t figure out why. It was difficult to focus, and a weird white discharge came about and it started to burn when I peed.

I’ve been applying a mild anti-itch cream and that helps a little, but not enough to where I feel anything close to normal. Then TODAY I woke up to an insanely itchy, swollen, inflamed labia. I’ve applied anti-itch cream, ice packs, and diluted apple cider vinegar topically and they’ve helped minimally. My period is supposed to start today and I’m terrified because I feel like any feminine products will make it worse. I’ve had vaginal irritation before, but nothing like this. PLEASE help.

Note: It’s not an STD, and I know it’s not irritation from rough sex or anything like that. It FEELS like a weird hybrid of a UTI and a yeast infection and I just want some relief.