
Hello all!Been married to my DH for a little over a year now. I am 31 and he is 32, and we are in the 3rd month TTC #1. Not going to lie this has been such an emotional time for me. It seems everyone around me is able to pop up pregnant their first try. I worry bc I haven't been on any birth control since I was 25 and our main form of BC was the pullout method. We didn't "actively" start trying until three months ago, and the last two month I have used OPKs....So this is my question.I have an average 27-30 day cycle, and I began using the OPKs on CD10. We had sex on the night of CD11, day of CD12, evening of CD13. Then late afternoon CD14 and CD15. I had a positive OPK on CD 14 in the late afternoon, which we followed with immediate BDing, and on CD15 it was negative again. Based on the positive OPK on the late afternoon of CD14, I should have ovulated about 12-36 hours after that which would be very late on CD15 or very early on CD16. I’m wondering my chances....
So now I'm on DPO 11 I took pregnancy test on DPO 9 and afternoon of DPO 10 both BFN
I woke up with a slight headache sore and slightly larger breast. I can't every determine in I am cramping like everyone talks about. I have slight queasiness but am still able to eat. And today is the first day in at least a week I have had any sex drive. I do feel tired. 
Any thoughts are completely welcomed and appreciated.