Should I Start Hiking?


Hey ladies. So recently, I’ve been going through many life changes and I’ve been struggling. I used to hit the gym back from November to March basically everyday and gained a decent amount of muscle. I stopped going due to stress from school and personal life, I didn’t have time to make it a priority. So I’m kinda back to where I started, flat stomach, feeling a little weak and I started birth control so I have appetite suppression, occasional nausea and a bit of weight loss from it as my body starts to adjust to the hormones. I realized lately structured exercise such as timing how many minutes, following a form, for some reason stresses me out. I used to love going to the gym, now I don’t enjoy the idea of it at all. I do stretches, yoga and some medicine ball work outs as much as I can. I have thought about possibly trying hiking almost everyday. My questions are: Is hiking a good source of exercise? What are the benefits? Should I try any other forms of exercise with hiking or in general? Is hiking alone beneficial to health and a good form of exercise? Does it help with muscle gaining or toning? I’m aware it’s a good form of cardio.

I miss feeling in shape and satisfied. I want to work on getting back to that good place in my life that made me feel more confident.

Any tips or advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you! 💓