nexoplanon, inplant birth control..


Okay the nexplanon works, it does it's job and I'm never worried about being pregnant. HOWEVER, instead of helping my already knee buckling pain from cramps, and the extreme flow of my period, it does the opposite. I have 3 week long period cycles!!! and only a week long break in between. I have talked to my doctor many times about this problem and his only answer is to take a couple ibuprofen every meal to keep my body on a schedule. Which tbh sounds unhealthy. Even worse, the hormones turned me from a sweet nice person into a raging n nag who cries and screams every time something goes wrong. The internet went out today and my blood felt like it was boiling, until I finally broke and started balling my eyes out. I feel so crazy and I never was this scatterbrained. Even worse my sex drive feels gone like it isn't worth the time and I don't really want to be kissed or anything. I'm going to try to switch to the copper IUD... No hormones. Does anyone else feel my pain?