So after my partner pulled his tricks once again whilst knowing I was already over his crap, I put my big girl pants on and told him to leave! It did take a few hours of listening to him try convince me once again that I’m wrong, I’m crazy or over reacting, if I am those things so be it, but I know what makes me happy and what doesn’t and I’m in charge of my own happiness (which makes my parenting and my kids happier) whether that works with him or not . It’s been a long time coming so I’m not overly upset, I’ve always been doing things on my own with a tiny bit of help here and there from him, so I’m surprisingly doing okay (usually I’m the most emotional person which my he knows and takes advantage) but today I’m damn proud. New beginnings for me and my kids and hopefully there’s no looking back 💁‍♀️❤️